What is keeping you up at night? Are you worried about your future journey? Has your diagnosis discourage you? You are not alone, your diagnosis is not all there is to you. You can have peace of mind through prayer and reading positive books and staying around positive people. Do not let anyone put additional stress and strain in your life. You can let your mind rest in the fact you have been the best person and that the disease does not define you. It has nothing to do with something that you have done or something that you haven’t done. It’s not Karma that has come back around. Take this time to allow others to help you take care of your whole being, physically, mentally and spiritually. Let them appreciate you.
If you do not have friends or family members that are able to assist you during your journey, please contact the Covington Cancer Foundation where someone would love to assist you.
Be Someone's Strength. Be Someone's Inspiration. Be Someone's Reason to Never Give Up.
(Unknown Author)
Great post! I felt that 🥰