The why is never really the real reason; it's the motion that understands, exudes, and illuminates the why.
Your limbs are just vessels; your willing mind is the key. Your spirit may be defeated, or at least it feels that way. But even your fears know the truth.
Your body is programmed to move, to go, your heart heavy and weighted down, yet you must carry on. Your soul, your soul has the right idea. There is no stopping, not yet, anyway.
Your thoughts become barriers, but your tears are continuously free-flowing. Rivers of freedom set you free mentally and spiritually. Telling your mind to use it! Use the pain, and the frustration, grab the wind and let it all go.
You feel constrained, confused, alone, and distraught, and then you do it. You should do it for yourself; you should do it for every woman who does not have the energy to move. Do it because you can. You have to do it because as long as you have breath, your why is now your why not!
Why not fight until you are left on the sidelines, cheering others on from that eternal resting place.
You do the unthinkable you carry on. Then you walk, you run, you dance, you sing; actions that carry you to victory!
You never needed a why, just a why not to propel you into your destiny. And now that you've conquered the feelings of cancer ask yourself, what's next, you warrior?