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BC Warrior
BC Warrior
Nov 16, 2022
In Welcome to Our Forum
Ok, so I know right off hand this post appears seemingly grammatically incorrect. But honestly sometimes life really is like a box of chocolates, Russel Stover's, to be exact. You can expect milk chocolate goodness. You can read the lid and box in preparation for what you know is about to be delicious sweet goodness and then. Well, then you pick up that square or round mound of candy. Put it in your mouth and realize you just bit into the only bitter, cherry cream-filled piece in the box. So what do you do? Spit it out or chew as fast as possible and try again. Neither choice is wrong, and neither option removes the taste that has already been imparted to your taste buds. Instead of panicking, screaming yuck, and spitting, there is a life lesson present about being open to life's cherry cream-filled center. Although it may not be what you wanted at the time, sometimes life be like.... fill in whatever applies to you with the understanding that sugar is sugar, and you will get through it!
Warrior Days Be Like  content media
BC Warrior
BC Warrior
Oct 11, 2022
In Welcome to Our Forum
Two Events! Walk, Walk, Donate, Walk and Socialize, Donate so much!
2022 Laps of Love Walkathon content media
BC Warrior
BC Warrior
Oct 11, 2022
In Welcome to Our Forum
The why is never really the real reason; it's the motion that understands, exudes, and illuminates the why. Your limbs are just vessels; your willing mind is the key. Your spirit may be defeated, or at least it feels that way. But even your fears know the truth. Your body is programmed to move, to go, your heart heavy and weighted down, yet you must carry on. Your soul, your soul has the right idea. There is no stopping, not yet, anyway. Your thoughts become barriers, but your tears are continuously free-flowing. Rivers of freedom set you free mentally and spiritually. Telling your mind to use it! Use the pain, and the frustration, grab the wind and let it all go. You feel constrained, confused, alone, and distraught, and then you do it. You should do it for yourself; you should do it for every woman who does not have the energy to move. Do it because you can. You have to do it because as long as you have breath, your why is now your why not! Why not fight until you are left on the sidelines, cheering others on from that eternal resting place. You do the unthinkable you carry on. Then you walk, you run, you dance, you sing; actions that carry you to victory! You never needed a why, just a why not to propel you into your destiny. And now that you've conquered the feelings of cancer ask yourself, what's next, you warrior?
Mind over Diagnosis  content media
BC Warrior
BC Warrior
Apr 05, 2022
In Welcome to Our Forum
I saw this quote and thought about how we spend so much time worrying about tomorrow that we never really take the time to appreciate the metaphorical "Today". I mean of course today you might be hurting, in pain , in treatment or recovering but who wants to think about the right now in right now? I mean why think about being happy at a time when all you feel is confusion, sorrow or regret. Why give thanks or be thankful when you have treatments and possibly more surgery or that foreboding long and arduous road to recovery ahead of you? Why even for a moment would you consider all that you have been through or will even encounter as a triumph? Why consider this journey a race well earned and won? Nobody wants to be sick or even receive a diagnosis that includes the word cancer. Do people really consider themselves fortunate to have a possible death sentence? The answer is YES! Yes, you can be fortunate to have lived past your diagnosis and come to a place of personal peace. No journey is the same but the pain, hurt, and recovery may be eerily similar. That doesn't mean you can't stop and be grateful for the moment you are in. Allowing yourself to acknowledge your circumstance without giving in to them is powerful. Don't grieve over your past, embrace this new future however bleak and dire it may seem. This future is yours now so own it and have an impact on it while you can. Waking up and being able to breathe, give thanks. Laying down, eating food, spending time with your family and or your friends, give thanks. Seeing new faces, making it one more day, having a moment to yourself are all instances worthy of our gratitude. You deserve PEACE, so for TODAY just be happy cancer can't steal this moment from you and simply smile or whatever it is you do with your face :).
The Moments Cancer Can't Steal From You content media
BC Warrior
BC Warrior
May 12, 2021
In Welcome to Our Forum
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY  content media
BC Warrior
BC Warrior
Apr 13, 2021
In Welcome to Our Forum
I wanted to share something interesting with you that I bet you didn't know unless your really your super smart or have read this article before :) The article from entitled 8 interesting facts about breast cancer from Roche just advised that animals including cats and dogs get cancer too. In fact cats are more likely to experience an aggressive form of breast cancer then dogs. Makes you go "hmmm" doesn't it. For more interesting facts please access the article here Share an interesting fact that you learned about breast cancer.
Something I Bet You Didn't Know  content media
BC Warrior
BC Warrior
Feb 28, 2021
In Welcome to Our Forum
Keep it clean folks but honestly, I wanna know how was your day?
What Made You Smile or Growl Today?  content media
BC Warrior
BC Warrior
Feb 10, 2021
In Welcome to Our Forum
Thank you so much for visiting our forum. Here FORUM stands for: Friendly- Why? Because if you are here, you have probably already been through enough. One kind word says a lot! Openly- Why? Because we want you to have an open and honest experience by sharing and receiving positivity. Real- Why? Because real means everyday life in an intimate, honest and without judgement way. Be Authentic! Users- Why? Because we want you to use our resources and share any you have. We are a network of helpers! Meeting- No need top ask why. The answer is simple. Come meet with us and stay around to help others. "You may be the friend someone else is looking for"! (A huge thank you to First Lady Sandy Chapman of Raleigh North Christian Center for that quote)
WELCOME  content media
BC Warrior
BC Warrior
Feb 10, 2021
In Welcome to Our Forum
Welcome! And now that you are here please stay and introduce yourself. You could quietly browse around as long as you understand that we are still a work in progress. But while you're here you could ask a question, leave a comment or more importantly meet a new friend. Just because you may feel as if you don't need another friend, someone else may be looking for a friend like you, so make your self available. Who knows you may just give someone hope, save a life or better yet grow and become more than you ever imagined!
BC Warrior
BC Warrior
Feb 10, 2021
In Welcome to Our Forum
Share anything you like but definitely something you would have liked to change about last year (2020). Sometimes sharing the small and simple things can help to widen a view, open a mind or even brighten a future. Don't be embarrassed to share your one thing. Remember this is a judgement free zone!
If You Could Change One Thing About 2020, Other Than Anything COVID-19 Related, What Would That One Thing Be?  content media
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BC Warrior
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